AINA TIR-FAX, February 15, 2013



? Berisha: Rama is the chairman of greed

? Rama: The urban planning is the project for the destruction of Tirana

? NDSP: Berisha must prove his accusations or face justice

? Panariti meets the ambassadors of Italy and Greece

? Berisha: Our nationalism is civilized

? Nishani meets the Israeli ambassador in Tirana

? Rama: The Prime Minister uses nationalism for anti opposition propaganda

? Rama promises justice after the June 23 elections

? Musa Ulqini returns to the SP

? Reforms to insure private bailiffs


? Haxhinasto: TAP project has an impact on the economy of the country

? Agreement for the system of the electronic inspection

? Revenues from privatizations to be used for the debts toward businesses

? Dollapi: Debtors must be prosecuted if they don?t pay their power supply bills

? Cooperatives, the road to increase production

? Political economic crises in Albania

? Currency values today


? Tirana, car crashes two pedestrians

? The case of Florije Peci, Llaha orders Tirana prosecution to start investigations

? Peshkopi, daughter in law kills daughter in law in the barn

? Halim Kosova for Florije Peci: Her health conditions allows her pregnancy

? Brawl among youngsters in Kavaja, four injured

? Case of Florije Peci, Tavo: We will wait till the conclusion of the investigations

? Car capsizes in Tirana-Durres highway, two injured

? ?January 21?, Prosecution apeals the Court decision of Tirana

? Saranda, 9 Algerian clandestine seized


? Elbasan mosaic ends as a surrounded hole

? USAID, project on the quality of service in hospital

? Rain and snow precipitations increase the level of Fierze Lake


? Weather forecast tomorrow

About TirFax

Albanian Independent News Agency (AINA) TIR-FAX, was founded in conformity to the laws of the Republic of Albania, in August 1996. It is the first and the only media of this kind in Albania. Since its beginnings, AINA TIR-FAX, built a professional strategy in order to be a reliable media and distant itself from politics and reflect the reality not affected by any political convictions and conveying to its subscribers up-to-date daily, professional and totally independent news and information.
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