AINA TIR-FAX, May 17, 2022



  • PM seeks democrats` vote after post-quale reconstruction
  • Premier to not accept constitutional changes without referendums  
  • Premier blames magistrates for stalling reconstruction in some areas
  • Opposition seeks to propose new president`s name


  • Electronic communication market up by 6% in 2021
  • Fuel price rose again
  • European Commission lowers expectations on Albania economic growth by 2, 7%


  • Van engulfed by fire in Vlora
  • Cocaine inside coal found in Durres Port
  • Pharmacy robbed at night in Tirana, perpetrators identified
  • Kavaja bar owner declared wanted for illegal gambling, guns possession
  • Vlore, arson suspected as truct bursts into flames
  • Patients with heart disease went up by 25% due to covid-19
  • Accident in Tirana, three cars involved
  • Accident et Tirana entry, driver and passenger injured


  • VoA: Insecurity in the workplace leads to immigration
  • President condoles deceased socialist ex-MP family
  • Former US Secretary awarded with high title
  • Renown Albanian journalist passes away at 72 in USA


  • Albanian temperatures increase as summer nears

About TirFax

Albanian Independent News Agency (AINA) TIR-FAX, was founded in conformity to the laws of the Republic of Albania, in August 1996. It is the first and the only media of this kind in Albania. Since its beginnings, AINA TIR-FAX, built a professional strategy in order to be a reliable media and distant itself from politics and reflect the reality not affected by any political convictions and conveying to its subscribers up-to-date daily, professional and totally independent news and information.
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